Tuesday, June 2, 2009

WebHostingPad Web Hosting

WebHostingPad - a divison of Omnis networks, was formed in 2005. With the growing need of affordable hosting, the company set out to deliver the best web hosting at a price where everyone can afford to have their piece of the world wide web.

Cheap hosting service

With the kind of features Web Hosting Pad’s offering, all we can say is that Web Hosting Pad is dead cheap! $3.96/mo for unlimited web storage, web bandwidth, and unlimited addon domain.

Host unlimited domain in one single web hosting account

The same as you can get from HostMonster and BlueHost, Web Hosting Pad is offering unlimited disk storage, bandwidth transfer, and number of addon domain. In other words, you can host all your websites in just one single web hosting account.
Potential drawbacks with Web Hosting Pad

Low Popularity

As a matter of fact, Web Hosting Pad is much little known when compare to others. This does not mean that they are not good but in term of business competition, it makes them less favourite when customer tends to choose those with higher popularity.

Server Uptime Issue

While researching on Web Hosting Pad, I found quite some complaints on server uptime. It seems that Web Hosting Pad’s server is pretty loaded up and need more improvement in their server uptime. *Updates: It seems that WebHostingPad had been improving a lot and I find their server is more reliable at this moment of writing. Seeing such, I upgraded my rating of the company to A-.
WebHostingPad Customer Feedbacks

WebHostingPad is incredible! "Webhostingpad is incredibly rich with free features, quality service, supreme server speed, and rock-solid uptime. I am highly, highly impressed. I definitely did not expect so much from such a cheap hosting company. Great company that truly cares about giving their customers the best in every way." - Jung Soo Kang from TeamMuppet.co.uk @ Dec 4, 2008.

Conclusion: Is WebHostingPad Recommended?

Unlimited Web Hosting

Well, as mentioned in many other WebHostingPad review, the best thing about Web Hosting Pad is that their hosting plan is dead cheap! As the hosting service is now more reliable, why not try Web Hosting Pad for a lower monthly hosting price?

Web Hosting Pad is smart to focus on webmasters who are looking for cheap hosting. They are, in fact, hosting service provider with the lowes price. The monthly price of WebHostingPad is just $3.96 - that’s almost 50% less than other web host like Hostgator and Bluehost for the SAME hosting features. So yeah, WebHostingPad is very much recommended.


Unlimited Web Hosting